With the Vic D Fitness app, you now have all the tools you need to succeed when it comes to your health and fitness goals. Gain access to customized training & nutrition plans along with Lifestyle Coaching, and habit tracking. You now have your very own Personal Coach by your side.
Coach Vic D has helped thousands of people change their body, their habits, and ultimately change their life as well as lifestyle. Now you too can experience what Coach Vic D has offered to so many people before you.
Coach Vic D created Vic D Fitness with the vision of inspiring thousands of people to be the best versions of themselves. He wanted to use health & Fitness as the vehicle to do this.
I'm a firm believer that we all deserve to feel happy, healthy & fit and to gain a sense of control in our lives.
With the Vic D Fitness App, we give you the tools to do just that.
When you become part of the Vic D Fitness Tribe you will receive
- Instructional exercise videos with in-depth explanations
-Nutrition plans and recipes specific to your goals
- Habit tracking
- Lifestyle coaching
- In-app Messaging and support plus many more tools to ensure your success
Coach Vic D is a Fat loss & Lifestyle Coach
Certified Personal Trainer with over 10 years of experience in the industry
New Zealand Sports Representative
New Zealand Men's Indoor Cricket Captain
Mentor & Speaker for youth and young adults
Where you are now is a direct result of your past choices. The problem is that the majority don’t want that responsibility. They'll blame their circumstances, they'll find an excuse, they'll blame external variables. Most people don’t want to take responsibility for their health, their happiness, their lifestyle, or their habits. Whereas ultimately, it's your habits which determine your lifestyle and your lifestyle is, in fact, responsible for your results. The easy option then is to neglect our health & well being and forget to make ourselves a priority.
I want you to step away from the mindset of thinking it's selfish to devote time to yourself or to focus on you. If you make yourself and your health a priority it, then translates into every other aspect of your life. You can give more to your family, to your friends to your spouse, to your work. You become a better version of yourself. My mission is to help as many people as possible live a life where their health and well being become a priority. I want you to use health and fitness to translate happiness and balance into every aspect of your life so when it's time to turn up you turn up presenting the best version of yourself.
Coach Vic D can help you do that.